Pay only when you permanently protect your files

Digital delivery is an order of magnitude less expensive than physical delivery

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File registration
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Digital Signature
per file + $29 per signature
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Trusted Companies


Enjoy the unique features Concert has to offer!

PROJECT Features
Create new projects
Invited unlimited collaborators
Register files into a new project
Upload a project archive as a zip file
Lookup files and collections for verification of most recent versions
Organizational administrator
Organizational billing
Choose Organization for projects
Content Management
Signing features
Seal and sign a collection
Verify your signature credentials

Frequently Asked

We already use BIM360, do we need Concert?

Concert works well with BIM360 users. With Concert, you can ensure that the permanent versions of your files are known with the most recent one always available to your clients.

What do I need to get started?

We are a SAAS product.  You can sign up and start using immediately.

Does Concert replace file storage?

Concert complements file storage. File storage changes over time and doesn't show the most recent version of a file, or which set of files was delivered.

What can I use Concert for?

Concert lets all architects and designers protect their work before sending it out in the world to designers, authorities or partners.

How do I reset my password?

Please go to the login screen and click on the forgot password button